The term "disk space" may also be labeled as "disk quota" or "data storage", however all these terms refer to the same thing - the amount of info that you are able to upload to a shared hosting account. The overall size of everything you have is estimated by accumulating the space used by the entire content within the account, the most obvious being the data files you upload. Two other things are sometimes overlooked by various end users, though - emails and also databases. Sizeable attachments or databases of large script-driven sites can often require a lot of storage space as well. To employ a more familiar analogy, the hard disk space of your home computer is used not only by files that you download, but also by documents you write together with programs you install. In the same way, many things are counted towards the hdd space your data needs on a web hosting server, not only the uploads.
Disk Space in Shared Hosting
We've created our shared plans with the idea that the disk space won't be a setback for your websites. While many hosting suppliers generate accounts on a single server, and in fact, the most common Control Panels are designed to work solely on this kind of platform, we've applied a completely different solution. We have groups of servers that take care of every single element of the website hosting service, so your files are stored on a single cluster, your email on a different one,the databases on a third one, and so on. Using this cloud platform we achieve a couple of things - the hdd space is actually inexhaustible because we can easily link as many servers and hard disks to the clusters as required, and we enhance the efficiency of every machine because just one kind of system processes will run on it. This tailor-made setup will enable you to expand your web sites as much as you'd like without having to worry about not having enough disk storage.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers
With all of our semi-dedicated server plans, the hard disk space feature is not limited, so you'll be able to center on creating your web sites the way you like and not be concerned about getting to some restriction. Unlike lots of hosting suppliers that generate accounts on one server, we use a custom-built cloud platform, that enables us to offer you truly unlimited hard disk space for every single account. With a single machine, there's a restricted number of hard disk drives which you can use, not mentioning that the most common hosting Control Panels weren't intended to function with more than one server simultaneously. Our platform, by contrast, features clusters of servers for the site databases, files and emails, and our custom Hepsia Control Panel was made to work with it. We can easily attach as many servers to each of the clusters as required at any given time, so that the hdd space is virtually unlimited.
Disk Space in VPS Servers
The hard disk storage that we offer with our VPS servers is different based on the plan that you select when you sign up. Using a more powerful server, you are able to effortlessly operate several websites, which means additional content, which means that the greater the VPS plan, the more hdd space you will have available. Changing from one plan to another will take just a few mouse-clicks and it will not involve any kind of service interruption. Your site databases, files and emails will share the total amount of space your server contains, however if you'd prefer to use fixed allocations, you're able to choose cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel during your ordering process. Each of the instruments will allow you to make website hosting accounts with restricted hdd space and if necessary, even to share out space from one existing account to another. When using the third solution that you can find on the order page, the Hepsia Control Panel, all domain names will share the space.
Disk Space in Dedicated Servers
The lowest HDD storage which you can get using our dedicated servers is 500 GB. You'll have 2 hard disks, 250 GB each, and it is up to you the way you'll allocate this storage. You can have the drives in RAID, so all your info will be protected as one of the drives will function as a real-time mirror of the other, or perhaps you are able to make them work separately, to use the full storage potential that'll be available to you. The storage space of our dedicated web hosting plans is enough for everything - large Internet shops, file depository portal, private archive backup, and much more. We will never restrain your sites with regard to the storage space they require. In case that they begin expanding, we give you the chance to add more drives to your current server when required. When you acquire the server with DirectAdmin or cPanel for the hosting Control Panel, you're able to set up an independent account for each hosted domain and set some hard disk space quota for it. With Hepsia all your domains will be hosted in a single and they'll share the overall server space.